No. This is global leadership and business awards and entries come from across the globe so you and your business can be based anywhere in the world.

You can nominate or be nominated into as many categories as you deem fit. There is however a caveat here. Any nomination that that does not fit into the category it is nominated for, will not be considered.

Nominations are evaluated based on several criteria, including contributions to the wellbeing of people, the planet, and profitability. The primary focus is the impact you or your business has made in developing human resources. Demonstrating how you or your business has positively influenced the lives of those around you is crucial for winning an award. Your claims must be supported by verifiable evidence.

No. You do not pay anything to nominate a leader or a business. No one pays for nominations.

No. There is nothing to pay if the judges do not select your entry as the winner in your category.

If you win an award, we will notify you via email before the official announcement. The email will include a link for you to accept or decline your award in the specified category. Your official winner’s announcement will follow once you accept the award

Your award trophy will be presented to you at the award ceremony.

No. Your getting an award is contingent on meeting all the criteria for the each award category.